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About Us

  • 182 members
  • 165 sets of twins
  • 9 sets of triplets
  • 4 members with multiple sets of multiples
  • 65 members with multiples and singleton(s)
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Our Mission and Our Vision

Our Mission: To enhance the understanding of the unique experience of raising multiples through the exchange of information and engaging with the wider community through fellowship and service opportunities.

Our Vision: Connecting women and strengthening families through education, community, and service.

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General Meetings

Monthly general meetings give prospective members an opportunity to explore everything FWMoM has to offer. Meetings consist of an engaging activity or presentation, a short business meeting, and a chance to chat with other MoMs. Come check us out!

Upcoming General Meetings

  • Tue, March 18, 2025 7:00 PM
    CERA : 3300 Bryant Irvin Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76109
  • Tue, April 15, 2025 7:00 PM
    CERA : 3300 Bryant Irvin Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76109

Member Spotlight

Lauren Eatinger

Hello MOMs! You’ve probably seen tiger ears and tutu and tail, heard the best laugh, or have been sucked into a conversation about fishing if you’ve met my kids in person! What a strange blessing it is to have had **Operation Sibling** conclude with twins! Oh, Clomid can be so interesting… at 39…ahem. We are Lauren and Thomas, married for 21 years. Our oldest is Zach—7th grade and an official teenager. He loves fishing and Camp Bass provided him opportunities beyond our dreams! School is a strength, along with the French Horn and Cross Country. We are excited to support his Scout journey, and love the time he gets outdoors. And yes, teenage teenager all the way. Our first grade fraternal twins Cameron and Dylan have completed our family. Creating Art, reading, rocking school, and loving our pets is how they do life well! We rely on museum, community, and library offerings to be exposed to the world. I graduated from TCU with education degrees and later completed an MA in Art Education. I’ve taught Elementary and HS Art for nine years in the public schools, moving into an adjunct role at TCU for 3.5 years being home with a little baby-turned-boy, oh SO long ago. When a PhD was hired, I moved in to a small private school role, teaching age 2-8th grade Art, 7am until noon daily. After five years (with 18months “off”/ away with twins at home), 2020 definitely changed THAT unicorn job; and it made the most sense to stay home with our twin girls, full time. This chapter began a LOT of work—-because Childhood Apraxia of Speech requires intense therapy to work through. And THEN our world was rocked when a twin lost hearing in one ear—and the anatomy MRI revealed a Chiari 1 Malformation. The girls started kindergarten and I returned to work with preschool hours. We are on a journey that is made for our family and hope to see the benefits of our hard work, hopes, creativity, and dedication pay off down the road.   

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Sponsor Spotlight


If you are looking for a company that can walk along side you in your autism journey, Concept Connections provides behavioral health services to meet your family where they are and provide a pathway for support. By collaborating with parents, therapist, private schools, school districts, and other therapeutic paradigms, they are able to offer assistance where you need the most. By concentrating on the individual as a whole they can help guide and prepare them for the future.

If you would like to learn more, you can reach them at 972-786-5997.

Not a member yet?

If you are a parent of twins, triplets or quadruplets, FWMoM is the place for you!


Our Sponsors

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Bronze Level


Fort Worth Mothers of Multiples

P.O. Box 123874

Fort Worth, Texas 76121

Fort Worth Mothers of Multiples is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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